Getting Started with Metadata Import

Getting Started with Metadata Import

Discover how to update contract metadata using a spreadsheet to ensure data integrity. Offered Quarterly.

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About this Event

During this session we will discuss best practices for:

    • Exporting metadata
    • Updating the metadata on an external spreadsheet
    • Importing metadata back into Ironclad
    • Troubleshooting metadata errors and any gotchas

Time Commitment: 30 Minutes

Audience: Admins 


How can I add, edit, and update metadata in my existing contracts?

In this Quarterly webinar we will review the Metadata Import feature in the Ironclad Repository. We will discuss best practices for updating Repository metadata externally.

Metadata import helps maintain data integrity within Ironclad, whether you’re updating data or adding new data points. Equipping you with the necessary skills to export contract metadata from Ironclad, update it in an external spreadsheet, and import it back into the platform allows more control over what contract data is in your system. effective troubleshooting strategies to overcome challenges and ensure smooth imports.

This is a great session to attend if you have been hoping to make large structural updates within the repository (e.g., using contract families or adding expiration dates to previously executed contracts). We hope to see you there! 

Looking for specific technical troubleshooting or solutioning instead?  Be sure to reach out to our support team at or browse Ironclad’s Help Center

This course was last updated on 02/26/2024


About this Event

During this session we will discuss best practices for:

    • Exporting metadata
    • Updating the metadata on an external spreadsheet
    • Importing metadata back into Ironclad
    • Troubleshooting metadata errors and any gotchas

Time Commitment: 30 Minutes

Audience: Admins 


How can I add, edit, and update metadata in my existing contracts?

In this Quarterly webinar we will review the Metadata Import feature in the Ironclad Repository. We will discuss best practices for updating Repository metadata externally.

Metadata import helps maintain data integrity within Ironclad, whether you’re updating data or adding new data points. Equipping you with the necessary skills to export contract metadata from Ironclad, update it in an external spreadsheet, and import it back into the platform allows more control over what contract data is in your system. effective troubleshooting strategies to overcome challenges and ensure smooth imports.

This is a great session to attend if you have been hoping to make large structural updates within the repository (e.g., using contract families or adding expiration dates to previously executed contracts). We hope to see you there! 

Looking for specific technical troubleshooting or solutioning instead?  Be sure to reach out to our support team at or browse Ironclad’s Help Center

This course was last updated on 02/26/2024


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